So, whenever you visit a website, you may notice this little icon in the browser tab. So, what is this Icon? Yes, this icon is known as favicon and in this video, we learn how to add favicon in your website. So, let’s start hello, guys you’re watching technical bench YouTube channel, and I am Kunal in this video. We learn how to add favicon in your website so before adding the favicon in our website. First, we need to know what favicon is and what is the purpose of adding the fab icon in your website.
So, favicon is the little icon which is show in the browser tab. When you open a website, it is also known as favorite icon, tab, icon, website, icon, URL, icon or bookmark icon, while it is, do not have any specific function in our website, but it is useful for your website.
Branding, usually the fav icon is the logo of the company. What is the benefit of adding favicon in your website, so it’s made your website more profession, looking it is show in the bookmark, and if someone opened many tabs, they only see this icon so that it is very useful to identify your website amongst other sites. So the favicon is mostly has a size of 16 by 16 or 32 by 32 pixels, but nowadays, website are not only visited by desktop, but in many devices, so it is recommended to add more than one size favicon, for example, if someone and your website as A shortcut icon on their desktop, if it size, is too small, then the image is pixelated, so favicon support different image formats, such as PNG, gif, ICO, etc.
Even you used a 16 by 16 favicon in your website. This just worked fine, but yes, if you do not compromise at all and you really need that your favicon is displaying all browser on different operating system or even different devices like tablet, smartphone, etc. So, you need to create favicon with different sizes. So, we learn. What is favicon and why we use favicon in our website, but the point is that how to add favicon in our website, so you can create your fav icon yourself in software like Photoshop or you can use some old line, favicon generator tools to generate favicon.
You just only need a image that you want to add as a favicon, so in this video we add favicon using online favicon generator tools, so there are many such tool available on the net, so we open our browser and search for favicon generator. So, you can use any favicon generator tool, but I use this one, so the website is so as they mention on the website, select your fav icon picture. So, you upload a picture having file format, PNG, jpg or SVG saw your picture must be At least 70 into 70. So, we select our favicon picture. So, I select this logo so as they specify the favicon generator favicon for the iOS. So, if you pin your site on the home screen, it is look like this.
You can also add a margin, and a plain backer found, by check this radio button and your Android device. Your favicon looks like this one, okay and you can also add a margin and a plain background and change the background color from here. Okay, so this is it look on the window device even change. The background on dark orange is good and in the Mac OS in Safari, the favicon looks like this so generate a fav icon. You click on this, generate your fav icon and HTML code. So you click on this button. Your favicon code is generated so first they say download your package, so they give you a zip file of your favicon, so we download this favicon package and extract this file.
So, as you can see, they generate fav icon in different sizes. Second extract the package.
Okay, we extract the package already and insert the following code in the head section of your pages, so we copy this code, ctrl C and open the favicon.html file and we paste the code inside the head tag. One thing note here is that in the href attribute, you need to specify the path of your favicon, because my fav icon is in the same folder in which this favicon Html file, my fav icon, is the same folder in which this favicon dot HTML files, so I only specify the name of the file.
Ok, so if your fare icon is in some other folder, so you need to specify your complete part in the as offense attribute. So now we save the file and open this file. So, as you can see, our favicon is displayed in the browser. So in this video we learn how to add fav icon in our website. If you have any query, write in the comment section and if you like this video click on the like button and do not forget to subscribe this channel, thank you very much.
There’s a dirty little secret about all these WordPress hosting companies. Out of all the WordPress hosting companies out, there, only three are recommended by WordPress themselves and we’re goon and look at the top 10 hosting companies and go over the pros and cons of every single hosting company one by one and by the end of this video You’ll know exactly which hosting company is right for you. As a bonus, i have the hookup. I have special discounted pricing for all these hosting companies that you can only get right here and I’m going to be sharing that with you at the end of this video.
As well, but let’s get started first with site ground and one of the big pros about site ground is it’s extremely easy to set up? I even did a video talking about how you can set up a WordPress website using site ground in just four minutes. There are also one of the three different hosting companies that are actually recommended by WordPress and they also have very affordable pricing, but they are not the cheapest hosting company out there host singer, which I’ll be talking about later in this video is actually the cheapest Hosting company out there and actually pretty decent so make sure you stay tuned for Holsinger, but going back to site ground site ground is extremely reliable.
They have over 99.99 uptime and they have extremely fast servers, and you get a free, SSL certificate which basically allows your site to be more secure, but there are some cons for site ground. One of the first cons is even though it’s pretty affordable priced. It’s still. Mid-Tier pricing, as i mentioned, there are some hosting companies that are cheaper. Another con with site ground is. There are plan limits if you’re planning to host a ton of videos on your website or really large images, and a lot of images of that site ground might not be the best option for you, though they do have gigabytes and gigabytes of storage.
For 99 of the people out there, it should be plenty of storage, but this is something you should keep in mind.
Next up is Bluehost and Bluehost is one of the most popular WordPress hosting sites out there. It’s also the second of the three different hosting companies that are recommended by WordPress there, also one of the most trusted companies out there, which brings us to our first con with them. And this is true about all different hosting platforms, but the way that they became so popular and so trusted is they were one of the first ones to have an affiliate program.
An affiliate program is basically where people talk about hosting companies in exchange for getting a kickback when people sign up for that hosting company, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But as someone that’s been using Bluehost for a number of years now, their service has gotten a lot slower and honestly, i think, for what you get right.
Now it’s overpriced, and now before we move on to the next platform GoDaddy, i want to tell you a little secret, because all these hosting companies offer affiliate programs and part of the reason I’m able to give you the hookup and give you such a good discount Is i signed up as an affiliate for all these different programs so that i can make this video and make it as unbiased as possible?
But let’s talk about GoDaddy and my recommendation is: do not use GoDaddy, no matter what they’re, okay for buying a domain name but there, not even the cheapest one for buying a domain name, and they spend a ton of money on advertising and the way that they’re Able to make that money back and all the money they spend on advertising is by having higher prices in tricking people into buying a domain name and then adding on hosting and adding on other features that you just don’t need do not go with GoDaddy.
They are overpriced and they just do not offer a high-quality service when it comes to hosting your website. A2 hosting is one of the fastest hosting providers out there, basically meaning when people go to your website, it’s going to load up extremely fast, but on the downside they have really poor. Uptime and uptime basically mean how often people can actually visit your site now. Keep in mind, no hosting company has a 100 uptime, but most of them have 99.99 uptime, meaning just about any time.
Someone tries to go to your website there, going to be able to go there but a2 hosting has one of the lowest uptime percentages out there, and they actually got hacked a few years ago and from what I’ve heard it seems like they still haven’t fully recovered From some of that hack so be careful with a2 hosting, but it still has like 99.96 uptime and it’s an extremely fast hosting provider. HostGator is another extremely popular hosting platform out there now HostGator is actually owned by the same company as Bluehost, but Bluehost is actually recommended by WordPress themselves.
So, in my opinion, there’s really not that big of a difference between these two sometimes HostGator’s a little bit cheaper and sometimes Bluehost – is a little bit cheaper. You can check the prices in the description down below, but out of these two i would probably go with Bluehost over HostGator. Now, there’s still one company, that’s recommended by WordPress. We haven’t talked about, and i still need to talk about the cheapest hosting company out there.
But first let’s talk about wp engine and wp engine is fast: it’s reliable, it’s probably the best hosting company out there, but as a con, it’s 10 times the price of every other hosting company out there. So, i would not personally recommend this hosting company for most people, but if you have a website that needs really high up time, that needs to be the fastest possible. This could be a good option, but most other hosting companies have higher in plans that are just as good as wp engine for a fraction of the price. Now, before we get to Hostinger, in motion is another popular hosting company, but i don’t really see any big pros with them.
They do have good speed, good uptime, they’re, pretty reliable, but they’re still more expensive than a lot of the other hosting platforms out there.
Finally, let’s talk about host stinger and the big pro with them is they are cheap. They are really cheap. They have plans that start at 99 cents a month which is the cheapest out there. Now a con with them is, if you want that, really cheap plan. You got to sign up for four years, so it’s going to cost you about 48, but even still that’s really inexpensive.
Another pro is it’s actually fast. You would think for that low of a price that you would get junk service, but it’s actually really fast, but as a con, if you start getting a lot of traffic to your website, it does slow down very quickly.
They do have higher tier plans that you can always upgrade to, but keep in mind if you’re paying 99 cents a month, you’re not going to have a website that gets a lot of traffic they’re going to throttle your bandwidth, meaning they’re not going to let people Come in look at your website and give you a fast connection, they also don’t have phone support. So, if your website is something very important to you and you want to be able to call someone and get on the phone, if you have an issue host singer might not be the best option. They do have some chat support, so that is always an option.
If you run into issues with your website but again for me personally, i would not host my website with Holsinger doesn’t mean it’s a bad option, I’m just at the point now where i want to pay a little bit more to make sure that my website is Actually up and running correctly, if you’re really tight on cash, this is a great option and finally, we have Dream host and Dream host is the last of the three different hosting platforms that are recommended by WordPress.
But honestly, i don’t see any advantage with Dream host they’re more expensive than a lot of the other platforms, they’re also slower and less reliable. And finally, let’s talk about the winner. What is the best WordPress hosting website out there?
Well, the answer is, it depends on what you’re looking for, if you’re looking for the fastest hosts out there, then a2 hosting might be a good option if you’re looking for the most reliable hosting company and you’re willing to pay for it, wp engine might be a Good option, if you’re on a budget – and you want the cheapest hosting then host singer – is a really good option but in my opinion, the best hosting company out there and where you should host your WordPress website is site ground.
Site ground is a good price. It’s reliable! They got phone support and it’s personally what i use and recommend – and i have the hook up with site ground – i have hugely discounted prices.
You can click on the links down below to see the cheapest prices you can find around. In fact, with all these hosting companies. I tried to negotiate the best possible price i can and you can find out the discounted pricing in the links down below.
I personally don’t care which one you go with go with the one that is best for you, but if you use my links down in the description I’m going to throw in as a bonus for using my links, a complete tutorial on WordPress and WooCommerce completely for Free, so click on the links down in the description sign up for a hosting platform create your first website today. Creating my first website was one of the best things I’ve ever done and right now is the perfect time for you to start your website. So, click on the links sign up start your website today and remember to enjoy the journey thanks for watching.
A crucial step in the web development processes registering a domain name, this step is optional and only needed if we require a uniquely identifiable web address such as googleome, you do not register a domain name. Your site can still be made publicly accessible using your web server’s Ip address. The iPad dress will be assigned to you regardless of, the type of web hosting solutions you decide to use both traditional and cloud hosting providers will assign you they’re upon registration of hosting services domain name is highly recommended. If you plan on marketing your website or building brand awareness the name is very easy to register, and there are many companies offering registration, services these companies are known as registrars in addition to the registrar.
We also have registries which maintain the domain name records that are registered if.
You want to register a domain name.
Let’s, you could request the name through, a registrar.
The registrar will check with the relevant registry to see if the name already exists or if it’s available, if is available for registration, your registrar, willed it to the dot com registry. On your behalf the organization that coordinates, registrars and administers the top-level domain, registry is known as icon internet corporation for assigned names and numbers icon, also manages the list of approved registrars.
The term top level domain refers to the most common and most sought-after domain name extensions, such as dot com, dot, net dot, organdy, several others for information.
Purpose dot com is an abbreviation or commercial or for nonprofit dot, net for network and dot or fornon-profit organization. Choosing an extension that is relevant to your business model. Isalways. A good practice notes that the registry force top-level domains which stand for country codetop-level domains are administered independently of. Ivann cold include extensions such as dot, japer, jinn or dot, u’s or united states.
These domain extensions are managed according to the relevant oversight and governance mechanism within the country. When it comes to domain name.
Registration there are many different registrars. We can choose from a google search on domain registrars. Will provide.
Hundreds of results all offering different incentives to register through their service it is very important to select a registrar that is representable and also offers domain name security and administration through an online portal remember. The more time you spend building yourwebsite’s brand, the more valuable it becomes it’snot uncommon for a web-based business to becomesuccessful over a short period of time using aregistrar that does not provide adequate supportor secure. A domain name can leave it vulnerable to theft and very costly later on. The registrar you choose will primarily hinge on the value you attribute to the domain now and in the future.
Like any other business, the more time and resource you invest into it. The more valuable it becomes if you plan on making large invents if you plan on making large investments in building your web brand. We are spending lot of time in it. You want to make sure you use a well well-established domain. Registrar that works with other, well-known internet brands.
Few examples include safe names.
Net cscglobal.comand These companies are well known in the industry and used by some of the largest internet-based companies in the world, such as twitter and Facebook, the offer extensive brand protection, services including domain monitoring enforcement. Security and trademarking note that these companies are also more expensive, especially if you decide to use the extended brand protection services if.
You are a startup company or registering a domain for a personal website. You likely don’t need anything, that’s sophisticated or costly for, a small to medium sized web-based business some of the popular registrars, and trogons.
Com each of these companies offer a relatively good domain security and administration service through their web-based portals if we were to use statistics as a measure of registrar, is easily the largest administering over 50 million domain names. In this lesson, we will show you how to register and administer a domain name on the website.
The concepts explored here are applicable to, any registrar you decide to use. First, we need to check if your desired domain name is available or not to do so type. The domain name into thesearch bar located here on the homepage. I am just going to use some sample website. If your domain name is available. You will see this message displayed on the screen if.
It is not available. You need to search for another domain certain domain names might be available but at a premium price based on their popularity, for example. If we were to search, we can see that it is available but. The price is much more expensive around 3300 and then a renewable cost of 19 per yearend.
This is because it’s a premium domain, so be careful when you are registering and make sure you check the price to confirm that you are not paying a premium price for a domain and. You can see that this is not a premium domain, so it’s available for 299 a year.
If we scroll down here, you can see we also have the option of registering the domain name but with different extensions, and there are many different types of extensions. You can choose. Forma dot com is probably the most popular but.
You also have a detector, and the list goes on so, if you wanted to add those you could just click the add to cart button next to the corresponding name, but for the purpose of this lesson we are just going to register a single domain name. So, click the add to cart button.
And once. You see the check mark next to the selected click. The continue to cart, button by clicking the selected button we have added this to our shopping cart and. Now we are just proceeding to check out, for you confirm your order. will offer you additional products, the first is domain privacy. This is an important feature. If you would like your domain ownership records, to remain private to remain private. Remember that by default all top-level domain registration, details are made available to the public through iceane, can confirm this by visiting Here we can search a domain to find information about the registered owners. Let’s go ahead and search., this page contains the whois information for We can see there’s quite bit of information listed here. We can see the registration administrative and technical contacts for, the domain. This includes things like name organization, mailing address, phone number and email.
We can also see the registrar and that’s, the company that registered the domain name on behalf of the listed registrar, is mark, monitor inc. We can see the updated created and registration, expiration dates as well. Wean see information about the name servers that google uses and we will talk about those later on and then we have. The raw who is record that contains even more detailed information, about the domain restraint. If you register domain name under your own name and address the information will be made publicly available. Just like this without any domain privacy, it’s generally a good idea to use domain privacy, so your personal or business information is not entered into psalmist.
To see what your domain information would look like with the domain privacy option.
Runner who is searched on the name. you can see that all the information is concealed the registration contact, admin, contact, and technical contact is all listed as registration private, and the organization is domains by proxy the. Mailing address also points to the proxy that.
The domain is registered through including the phone number and email. We can see that the registrar is, we still have information about the name servers and the registration and update dates, but also there is no personal information included in the who is record so that’s the purpose of the domain privacy option. So, in this case we’ll select yes next, you can specify, if you want to add a gold ready shared hosting package for your website since. The focal point of this course will be on cloud hosting do, not check of any of these options.
We will bemusing a popular cloud hosting provider to host our websites. Next, we can add a professional email to, our domain name. This means we can get an email such as me at, for example, the email service offered from GoDaddy is fairly expensive for. What you get and the webmail applications, also quite slow and non-user friendly we – will using a service called Gmail for work.
To create a personalized email address for a domain the google product is much better and offers many more features and, especially if you are accustomed to Gmail then. It offers an additional advantage as well once. You have completed this page click the continue to cart button on this page select selected terms. You would like to register the domain, for there is a minimum term of one year and the more years you register forth higher the discount, but typically you just do one or two years, and then, if you decide to keep it after that, you would re-register the name and renew the name.
Once you have selected your term click, the proceed to checkout button make sure that make my domain private is checked off. If you want domain privacy and also choose your currency and then proceed to checkout if you are a new customer click. The continue button under, the new customer’s heading now enter your blink information in this section, hereunder account information enter your email address and also the username and password you would like to use to login into the system and then enter your payment information if you are using credit card and then just click The continue button, when you are ready to proceed and once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation.
The domain names normally ready within a few minutes. Andou will also receive an email that requires you to activate your account by clicking a link. So, once you have activated your accounting the next lesson, we will log in and check out the administrative options.
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