Welcome to our Magento 2 Tutorials Today we will learn how to configure free shipping for specific products. First, to create a Cart Price Rule.
Go to Marketing under Promotion, choose Cart Price Rules.
Price Rules is a powerful tool that helps you create complex promotions for your store.
While creating a new rule.
You are required to fill all the related fields.
You can set any name to your rule.
It’s for internal use, only Select websites to where you want to apply rule Scroll down and extend Actions section In Free Shipping fields, select For Matching Items Only To set Conditions.
Click on the green plus symbol, then choose Categories or SKU that you want Click on the table.
Symbol to open a list of products Choose your product. Then click Save.
Now let’s test the rule on store view Choose the product.
You add and proceed to.
Checkout, As you can see, free shipping is now available for this product.
Coming up.
Next, we will learn how to set up free shipping as coupons Beehexa, Connecting application, automating processes.
What is SEO and what does it do? Hmmm, let’s take a look at an example. Prospect Mike is searching online for a service that you offer.
He puts the keyword into a search engine like google, yahoo or bing, and here are the results.
Unfortunately, your site is not there.
What does mike do next? Yes, he goes to your competitor’s website, which is on the search results and just like that, you’ve lost a prospect who might have otherwise become your lifelong client.
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Well, you might ask: how can I have google put my site up there? That is what SEO does Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process to get your site moving up the search engine results.
Studies show that the first three results get ninety percent of the clicks, while fifty three percent of them go to the top result.
So SEO can help you get more traffic.
On top of that, SEO delivers more targeted and qualified website.
Visitors reduces your cost of online customer acquisition, increases brand awareness, increases sales and much more as more and more people rely on the internet search engines like google, yahoo or bing instead of yellow book to find a service or product, businesses cannot afford to lose the battle On SEO, That is where we come in. We are experts on SEO.
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Is there a difference between eating fruit, and eating refined, carbohydrates, like candy or soda, Or is it all the same because they’re all sugars? Fortunately, we have dozens of clinical trials where scientists gave people these different food sand observed their health effects. Studies have found that replacing some of the common sources of carbohydrate in people’s diets, like refined starch, for example, with fruit results in a reduction in hemoglobin, A1C, glycated hemoglobin, whereas replacing it with sugar sweetened beverages like soda or with sweets or desserts, refined carbohydrates does not have that effect.
Even in trials.
That added fruit to the regular diet, so not a replacement, but an addition. No detriment was seen to glucose or insulin levels, whereas trials that add sugar, sweetened beverages like soda see an elevation of those metrics Trials have also reported the effect of these different foods on lipids, like cholesterol and whole apples can help reduce both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol when compared to an artificial apple. Drink made from concentrate so a more refined carbohydrate, even though both groups were matched for total sugars
So, it’s another indication that the source of carbohydrates does matter: It’s not all the same One study had an interesting observation. This reduction in cholesterol was seen with apples and also with cloudy apple juice, but not with clear apple juice. So cloudy juice still contains some small, solid particles, so it’s unstrained, and so it has more fiber and antioxidants than clear juice, where those solid particles have been filtered out.
So, this trial suggests that these particles and these nutrients may be responsible for this cholesterol.
Lowering effect Inflammation some trials have looked at inflammation as well, and some inflammatory markers can be reduced by adding fruit to a diet, but not by adding sugar-sweetened, beverages or sweets or desserts. These more refined carbohydrates
Blood pressure, similar overall, adding fruit to a diet, can help lower blood pressure, but not adding sugar, sweetened beverages or sweets or desserts. One trial tried to figure out what is it about fruit, exactly that has, this blood pressure, lowering effect and in this trial, they actually used juice, orange juice, specifically, probably because it’s easier to match the controls.
So, the intervention, group drank orange juice about half a liter a day and the control group drank the same amount of a control drink that was more refined but matched for overall carbohydrate content and overall calories, and they did see some blood pressure lowering effect of the orange juice specifically diastolic blood pressure Was significantly reduced whereas the control drink did not have this effect? So, then they tried to figure out exactly what molecules in the orange juice might have this effect. So, they added this flavonoid. This phytonutrient called hesperidin to the control drink, and they added the same amount that would be present in half a liter of orange juice
So, they tried to match the two drinks for hesperidin and, interestingly, that was enough to get that blood pressure lowering effect with the control drink. So, this trial is kind of a one-off.I haven’t seen other studies doing the same thing and it’s a bit of an artificial experiment. But interesting result suggesting again this idea that, it’s not just carbs…, what else is in the food? The whole food package probably matters. Satiety, feeling of fullness, also been reported in.
Some trials eating apples raises satiety for a couple hours following ingestion and it also reduces food intake in the subsequent meals, whereas sugar, sweetened beverages, soda does not, have this satiating effect.
In fact, trials where fruit replaced some of people’s regular carbohydrate sources and even trials. Where fruit was added to the regular diet, do not show increases in body weight or body fat.
If anything, we tend to see a bit of weight loss, so one large systematic review went over 41 randomized trials, and they found that fruit promotes weight maintenance or even modest weight loss. Whereas in trials where sugar sweetened beverages, soda is added, we tend to see weight gain Now, obviously there’s a limit to this phenomenon: Fruit, isn’t magic, So if I just eat all of my regular diet and, I throw kilos of fruit on top and I don’t take anything out yeah, I’m going to overeat calorie sand, I’m going to gain weight.
But this seems very unusual, we just don’t see that happening in these trials And, what’s probably going on, is that fruits decently satiating for the number of calories that it contains Its decently calorie dilute so it helps people maintain body weight or even lose little bit.
It’s not that it’s impossible to gain weight by eating fruit, but it seems unusual, doesn’t seem to happen to most people.
Soothe evidence we’ve looked at so far, some heterogeneity from trial to trial depending on the specifics. That’s always the case, but overall, pretty consistent pattern with fruit intake, of either maintenance or improvement of physiological parameters, whereas with sugar, sweetened beverages and refined sources of carbohydrate.
If anything, we tend to see parameters get worse.
Now. So far, everything we’ve looked at are randomized trials, but there’s also a large number of long-term observational cohorts following large numbers of people over long periods of time. And basically, they find that people who eat more fruit have, lower risk of coronary heart disease, lower risk of stroke, lower risk of colorectal cancer and lower all-cause mortality total death.
This is after statistical adjustment, for obvious confounders, like smoking, exercise BMI age, So taking those off the table, the effect still survives These statistical adjustments, are not perfect Nothing’s, perfect Randomized, trials aren’t perfect either, But we want to be looking at different lines of evidence And if they agree, if they point in the same direction that raises our confidence in this direction of effect, These benefits in terms of risk of heart disease, cancer and mortality, they accumulate and then, they plateau around 200 to 300 grams a day.
Of fruit intake.
So that’s like an apple and a half two apples a day: It’s nothing!
So, the main bang for our buck seems to be when you go from nothing or very little intake to some. So, we don’t need to obsess over this or stuff ourselves with fruit to the point of vomit couple pieces of fruit over the course of the day, together with the rest of, a healthy diet, that’s what the evidence pointing to Now, the more specific we get with the question, the more uncertainty there is, that’s always the case. So, for example, we don’t have a randomized trial for every type of fruit out there in every exact amount, but the point of the video is that we have abundant evidence showing over and over that there’s substantial difference between eating fruit, eating these sources of whole carbohydrates and eating more refined, carbohydrates.
Things like soda or candy. Some of you may think it’s crazy that we’re even making this video may think it’s unnecessary, but we still get this question here and there.
I still see people kind of confused about this on social media and we can’t make informed decisions unless we have access to the information Becoming familiar with the scientific results a little bit helps us understand why all these recommendations all over the world by every panel of scientists keeps encouraging certain foods and keeps discouraging others.
It’s nonrandom on a more general level. Imagine for a second that somebody told you all fat’s the same. All fat is bad, doesn’t matter if it’s almonds, or olive oil or trans fats or bacon.
It’s all exactly the same physiologically. Nobody would take that seriously right.
It’s very similar suggesting that. All carbohydrates are the same.
Now why does fruit have such different physiological effects from refined, carbohydrates, like soda organdy. Several possibilities have been suggested and investigated. We already touched a little bit on the other components of these sources. Of carbohydrate, like fiber, like polyphenols these molecules, can affect absorption rate in the gut and. They can also affect the speed with which food moves through the gut, and that in turn, can affect your blood levels of glucose and insulin.
Fiber also helps with satiety It has a satiating effect that helps people eat less calories.
Overall. Another interesting factor is eating rate.
The speed with which we eat, and we tend to earless calories from solid food, especially food that forces us to chew a lot and finally another component that is rich in fruits.
That we haven’t talked about is potassium, which is known to help lower blood pressure.
What, if you have diabetes? Is fruit still safe or should you be scared? We actually touched on that question in a previous video and here’s a lot more on carbohydrate quantity and quality and fat quantity and quality and how to navigate all those questions. Check. Those out I’ll see you over there.
Presents: 8 Strange Behaviors Often Linked to Psychopathy, a multifaceted personality disorder notorious for its lack of empathy, remorse, and inclination toward antisocial behaviors, has long piqued our curiosity. But alongside these well-known traits, there exists a realm of peculiar behaviors that often leave us perplexed. Now, before we delve into the intricacies, let’s be clear: these behaviors alone do not automatically signify a full-blown psychopath. Nevertheless, they do raise some eyebrows and make you go, “Hmm, that’s a little weird, isn’t it?” Without further ado, let’s explore some of these behaviors and their potential connection to psychopathy!
Number 1 – Speak Slowly and Quietly Psychopaths tend to speak in a slow and quiet manner for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a way for them to gain control and appear more powerful. By speaking slowly and quietly, they make people listen closely to them and feel tense, like something important is about to happen. Secondly, it’s a tactic for manipulation.
When they speak in such a manner, they can plant ideas or suggestions in people’s minds more easily.
It’s a way to make others accept or believe what they say, even if it might not be true or beneficial. It might also be related to differences in how their brains work.
Number 2 – Cause and Effect Thinking Psychopaths understand life in terms of a strict cause-and-effect cycle that lacks emotional nuances or moral considerations. This perspective affects their decision-making abilities. They focus on tangible facts and outcomes rather than emotions or ideals and disregard the negative impact of their behavior on themselves and others.
This approach makes it difficult for them to build meaningful relationships and often leads to negative outcomes for those around them.
Number 3 – Frequent Language in the Past Tense Another interesting linguistic pattern observed in individuals with psychopathic tendencies is their frequent use of the past tense. One reason for this could be that they have a hard time relating to what’s happening in the present because of their lack of empathy. So by talking about things in the past, it’s easier for them to disconnect from their emotions and the experiences of others.
Another reason could be that psychopaths use past tense to avoid taking responsibility for their present actions or situations.
By talking about the past, they can shift the blame away from themselves. Lastly, research suggests that psychopaths might have some issues with memory and attention, so talking about things in the past might be simpler for them.
Number 4 – Creepy Stares and Lack of Blinking It is often observed that psychopaths may engage in prolonged and intense staring at others without blinking much. This behavior, known as “predatory gaze,” can be unsettling to those who experience it. One possible explanation for this behavior is that psychopaths have a reduced capacity for emotional connection with others.
When we look at someone with empathy and interest, we naturally blink our eyes as a way to connect and establish rapport. However, psychopaths may not feel this need to connect emotionally, resulting in prolonged periods of unbroken gaze. Additionally, psychopaths may use intense staring as a way to intimidate or exert control over others. It can be a manipulation tactic designed to unsettle or provoke a reaction. By maintaining eye contact and not blinking, a psychopath can create a sense of unease and power imbalance in their interactions.
Number 5 – Trouble Identifying Smells So, it turns out that people with psychopathic tendencies might have a hard time identifying smells. Yeah, sniffing things out isn’t their strong suit. This is because their brains, specifically the part called the orbitofrontal cortex, doesn’t work as well when it comes to processing smells.
Now, there’s still a lot more research needed to fully understand why this connection exists and how exactly it works. But it’s definitely an interesting area of study that gives us more insight into the unique differences in the brains of individuals with psychopathic tendencies.
Number 6 – Poor Response to Yawns You know how yawns can be contagious? Well, for psychopaths, it’s like they’re immune to it. Empathy plays a crucial role in contagious yawning, as it involves the ability to understand and share the emotional state of others. When we see someone yawn, our mirror neurons are activated, leading to our own yawning reflex.
However, psychopaths tend to lack empathy, making it less likely for the yawning reflex to be triggered.
Number 7 – Inappropriate Laughter Psychopaths have been observed to display inappropriate laughter or giggles, even in contexts that are not humorous. This laughter is believed to be related to the differences in their brain structure and function that affect their ability to feel and understand emotions like most people do. This can lead to them laughing in situations that others find disturbing or inappropriate. However, it’s important to remember that not all psychopaths exhibit this behavior, and not everyone who exhibits inappropriate laughter is a psychopath. There are other conditions that can also cause this type of laughter.
Scientists are still trying to understand how this behavior is related to psychopathy and other conditions. Number 8 – Lack of Fear Recognition It is suggested that psychopaths may have reduced activity in areas of the brain responsible for processing fear and anxiety, leading to a decreased capacity to recognize and respond to these emotions. This lack of fear is often accompanied by a calm demeanor, even in situations that others may find threatening.
For example, a psychopath may display a complete lack of anxiety or concern when facing serious consequences or danger. This lack of recognition and response to fear in psychopaths can make them more likely to engage in risky or dangerous behaviors without feeling the same sense of caution as most people do.
It can also contribute to their tendency toward aggression and violence. I hope this gave you some insight into the world of psychopathy and some of the strange behaviors associated with it.
While these behaviors alone can’t determine whether someone is a psychopath, they do offer a glimpse into what to look out for. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs-up, and share it with your friends, so we can keep making them. For more videos like this, hit the subscribe button, and don’t forget to click on the notification bell.
Also, be sure to check out our other videos as well. Thanks for watching!
Email marketing is dead That’s what you hear everybody talking about with all these distractions with social media and everything else But in this video is it really dead? I’m gonna show you this building strategies that actually work. Let’s go Hey, what’s up, welcome to the channel right here where we help you convert your ideas into cash You can get started by clicking the subscribe button and then notification button. So, you’ll know when I’m uploading these videos, I’m putting out a ton of content. Let’s jump right in.
So, the first thing I want to talk about is Why would you even want to build an email list because I’m going to tell you first of all is the Google slap? Everybody got slapped Google slapped Amazon didn’t actually let you have any emails whatsoever.
They don’t want you contacting your own customers and Facebook actually has stopped a whole bunch of Organic reach because they just want you to pay to play and that’s okay But I’m just telling you that when you’re reliant on an ad network or any Platform whatsoever to contact your customers are your potential prospects you are Basically kind of at their mercy to figure their Terms of Service to figure out if you can even talk to you people You have to have ad network compliance So I’m going to give you an example if you had marijuana products because I don’t want you to remember that In Colorado and different states like even California now that marijuana is legal.
However, Facebook will not let you advertise marijuana on their network So what does that mean for you? If you want to sell marijuana products to your followers or your subscribers, even on YouTube You’re going to have a problem talking to them through that ad network or through that platform This is why you want to build an asset and that email list is your asset once you have that email is you have permission to contact these people and Flat out just email them and whatever you want to like to give you another example really quick before you move to the next slide Facebook has a known before and after photos clause in weight loss because they feel like people were being dishonest with their advertising You can flat-out put before-and-after pictures also like you seen ty Lopez showing all of his money Frank Kern actually got sued for Showing too much money Saying that you were leaving the impression that people can Make a ton of money just like you and so we’re going to slap you with a bunch of fines well You don’t have to be concerned about that when you’re not using Google when you’re not using Facebook and you’re just using an email list, so easy mail dead I’m going to talk about this really quickly before we leave out of here and the quick answer to that is no if you still have To sign in to use of Google and I want you to go to Amazon right now and see if you can purchase Anything without signing in do the same thing with eBay and the answer is going to be no So moving right along to organic list building strategies at work This is for established marketers.
And this is a big problem I see with everybody kind of going out there saying hey, yeah let’s just build an email list landing pages and let’s get all these opt-ins and get my lead magnet if you have no traffic then They’re just going to sit there like bum, bum That’s it Nobody’s going to actually get your lead magnet It’s just going to sit there looking around. Like I wish I had some traffic so people who would download me and it’s not going to happen Newsletters saw one youtuber say nobody’s going to subscribe to a newsletter and wrong answer if you look at the hustle Go ahead and check them out.
They have 1 million subscribers on their newsletter as a matter of fact They have built an entire business just from people downloading a free Newsletter to say that newsletters don’t work is bullshit. However, you need to tell people What benefits they’ll have from downloading your newsletter to give you us just a short example really quickly right here at home Nancy told me that she likes to tiny house Newsletter because she wants to know update Bill’s new plans that come out for the tiny houses and she enjoys that newsletter So she downloads it so she can get updated information as long as your newsletter is relevant And they have a lot of benefits and free information in the newsletter People will subscribe just don’t put join my newsletter cuz that’s not going to work lead magnets We call this an ethical bribe or a Content upgrade and what that is what everybody else did a video that you watched I’m not going to talk about it a whole bunch here But it’s you know download whatever like for instance you can go right now a download 45 pre-approved Niches or you could download my swipe files or whatever for an ethical bribe.
So, you give me your email address?
I’ll give you this lead magnet making those lead magnets. There’s a ton of videos on YouTube to figure that out I’m just going to give you these strategies at work moving on something that I didn’t see people talking about is Facebook groups I build an insane list on my Facebook group because I offer to get do giveaways and I give away prizes and Software and right when they want to join my Facebook group and you could do that too at funnel hacker pro Dot-com go there check that out and it’ll ask you would you like to give me your email address so we can put you in? The contest to win software and other prizes I’d get a ton of emails just doing that alone YouTube again because you can go right down below and get my lead magnet.
You don’t need a website You don’t need to have an opt-in page if you don’t want to they could just sign right up right there and I’ll tell you another way they can do it and that’s Using and that’s on the next slide that’s going to be Facebook lead ads Instagram and or nerd organic Traffic is a great way to put your link for your opt-in page Another thing that people don’t do is contest and giveaway. I happen to use up viral.
I just offer a giveaway Would you like to win this and this is a lot of times how I’ve grown my list as a bonus from the inside out once you’ve already joined my list I offer you to win one of my courses for free if you refer five people to the newsletter so I grow my list from the inside out and I give them a special code that they can click on and build my Email list from the inside out I’ll be doing a video about that shortly moving on here is the nitty gritty this is what I really wanted to talk about paid List building strategies now, this is for the newbies.
This is for you The one thing that I really dislike kind of rubs me the wrong way is how everybody on YouTube is organic organic organic You have to get the algorithm and this and on the other and everybody’s kind of complaining Remember Facebook Twitter linked end for business to business Instagram YouTube are all ad networks. You can pay them for reach It’s the reason why they did it they gave away free reach in the beginning They realized how much traffic with people were getting We kind of missed out on that if you didn’t get in right away like in to 2012 2013 2014 when everything was really gravy and on Google in 2007 2008 2009 it was easy to rank on Google It was easy to get tons of reach on Facebook But then they shut that down because they want you to pay the same thing is going on as a side note Here on YouTube before if you had a lot of subscribers Everybody saw your content.
Now what they’re doing is it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of subscribers, we’re only going to show a certain amount of your subscribers your content and after that they’re trying to play the SEO game and it’s not working or they’re saying we can get into suggestive videos and We’re going to tell you how to do that. You don’t have to do that All you have to do is tell YouTube to show your subscribers your videos so you can sell your products It is a business up viral is another good way that you can go through paying Someone to give away your up viral stuff and you could pay an influencer This is another way to grow your email list by using an influencer So how that would work is maybe you talking about sunny I would love to give your users one of my software like my email marketing tools I would love for I’m going to give away one year for free.
Would you do that giveaway on your channel? Sure. No problem I show that Giveaway to my users and they’ll go logged in to your a viral campaign and say yes I want this free email software for a year. Now. You’re sharing your audience They’re sharing your audience the influence of sharing the audience with you So you get those email addresses also as a bonus I use pixel me and you can use put a pixel like the Facebook retargeting pixel Google remarketing pixel LinkedIn has one twitter has one as well and obviously Instagram does too and you can remarket and Retarget the entire audience that clicked on your link that maybe not have opted in you can retarget that so you can take basically take a snapshot a picture of that influencers audience of thousands of people that clicked on your link and now you know They’re interested in your product and you can retarget them with ads The next thing I want you to do is smash that like button hit that subscribe button if you like this video man also Sydney a comment below let me know some of your techniques for building your email list or anything else that you want to know about Direct response marketing remember guys, this is the number one place on the planet for direct response marketing You.
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