People often think that their Consciousness is the sole determinant of their lives. We believe we can fully control our actions and make rational decisions based on logic and conscious reasoning, but what if we told you that our actions aren’t really governed by our conscious mind? In reality? A significant portion of what we do every day happens automatically not consciously. According to psychologist and neuroscientist John bar from yel University about 95 % of our decisions are made sub. Consciously think about that for a moment. Imagine the powerful influence this hidden Force has on our lives a force.
Many of us barely recognize it’s a force that works quietly without our direct involvement, yet shapes our habits, reactions and even our perceptions of ourselves in the world around us. Today. We’re going to talk about how the subconscious works, the mechanisms behind its influence and, most importantly, how to harness its power to unlock our untapped potential. The subconscious is like a giant computer running in the background controlling our habits, emotions and even physical state.
It stores information that we access, unconsciously and performs functions that help us efficiently handle daily tasks by understanding how to interact with this powerful mechanism.
We can change our lives, we can reprogram old, Behavior patterns that no longer serve us and create new ones that help us achieve our goals by the end of this, video you’ll learn a a simple, yet powerful method for programming your subconscious for Success. This method has been a breakthrough for thousands of people worldwide, and we want you to experience its power too. These practical techniques will help you eliminate negative beliefs, replace them with positive ones and lay the foundation for achieving any of your goals. You’Re on the nucleus animy Channel, where we explore the hidden aspects of human nature, the mind and emotions to help.
You better understand yourself and the world around you. Each episode is a step toward uncovering the core of your soul. Your personal nucleus anomy. If you enjoy topics related to self-discovery and unlocking hidden potential, be sure to like And subscribe to, our Channel also don’t forget to hit the Bell icon, so you don’t miss future episodes. Your support allows us to create even more valuable content that will help. You unlock your potential, let’s start by examining how our subconscious is formed and how it influences Our Lives. Many scientists believe that the subconscious is the result of years of accumulated experience, starting from childhood. Our brain, like a sponge, absorbs all the Impressions, experiences and events we encounter in early childhood.
We are particularly receptive to our environment and the words we hear from parents, teachers and other significant figures. Imagine that every experience every impression every word spoken to you in childhood – is stored in the subconscious, creating a complex network of beliefs and reactions that Define our adult lives. For example, if you were often told as a child that you weren’t capable of something your subconscious will strive to avoid similar situations in adulthood, even if you consciously want to change something, these are limiting beliefs that can hinder your development and keep you from achieving your Goals these early beliefs can become deeply rooted and influence us for decades. We may not even realize how much they control our Behavior aspirations and choices.
Imagine these beliefs as invisible barriers directing our lives and shaping our reactions.
These beliefs can become so strong that we start to see them as an integral part of our personality, even though they are just the result of programming we received in childhood. For example, many people who fear failure often have subconscious memories of criticism they faced as children. These negative experiences take root and begin to influence every aspect of life from career choices, to building relationships, to become aware of the beliefs and attitudes imposed on us in childhood. We need to revisit and analyze our memories.
Try to remember the phrases you often heard as a child, for example, did you hear things like that’s not for you you’re, not good enough or you can’t do it. All of these are seeds that over time have grown in your subconscious and turned into strong beliefs. It’S it’s crucial to understand that these beliefs are not the truth; they don’t represent your real value or abilities. They merely reflect someone else’s opinions and judgments that you accepted as your own understanding that our beliefs can be false and limiting opens the path to change. This is the first step in reprogramming our subconscious. Each of us has the opportunity to change our internal programming and replace negative beliefs with positive ones.
For example, if you were made to feel Unworthy of success in childhood, it’s important to recognize this and start working on.
Changing that belief.
Using affirmations, visualizations and other self-suggestion techniques can help you rewrite these beliefs, much like how we can record over an old tape or floppy disc. It’s crucial to pay attention to how new beliefs are formed and how we can support this process. Imagine your subconscious as a garden that needs regular care if you spend time every day tending to this Garden, remove the weeds of negative thoughts and planting the seeds of positive beliefs over time. This Garden will flourish and bear fruit. Beliefs and attitudes are the seeds that can either bring positive changes into your life or become weeds that hinder your growth. Supporting positive beliefs requires time and patience, but it’s worth it positive beliefs can significantly improve your quality of life and allow you to achieve what once seemed impossible.
The subconscious is shaped not not only by words and experiences, but also by observing the people around us. Children tend to closely watch the behavior of their parents and other adults, and their subconscious absorbs this behavior. For example, if a child grows up in a family where anxiety or fear is constant, they will also begin to perceive the world as a dangerous place, even if they have no real reason to be afraid. This fear will follow them into adulthood, preventing them from achieving their goals and realizing their potential. That’s why it’s important to be aware of how our environment influences the formation of our subconscious and how we can change our lives by changing our environment or our attitude toward it.
We can shape our subconscious by consciously choosing what we absorb and how we react to it.
When you understand that your subconscious is the result of accumulated experiences, you begin to realize that you can choose which experiences shape your inner world. This opens up tremendous opportunities for transformation, start small pay attention to your thoughts. Ask yourself why you react to certain situations in a particular way and gradually you’ll notice how your beliefs begin to change. Awareness is the first step to any change, and working with the subconscious is no exception. The deeper you dig and explore your inner beliefs; the more opportunities you will have to change your life for the better. A well-known experiment conducted by psychologist, Martin Seligman, demonstrates how much the subconscious can limit us. In the book learned.
Seligman describes an experiment with dogs that were subjected to mild electric shocks without the ability to escape the pain over time. The dogs stopped trying to change anything even when escaping the shock became possible, their subconscious learned that nothing could be done, and this became the basis of their behavior. This experiment became one of the most important in Psychology because it showed how formed beliefs can prevent us from taking action, even when conditions change change in our favor. A link to this fascinating book and other useful resources will be in the description below the video. Let’s discuss this, have you ever experienced situations where you felt you couldn’t change your life? Even when circumstances changed leave a comment.
We love to hear about your experience, and it will also help other viewers see that they’re not alone. Our Collective experiences can become a support and encouragement for others, as what often seems like a unique problem is something many people go through.
As Carl Young once said. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate. Cg young psychological types – this is one of the most profound quotes about the influence of the subconscious on our lives. It underscores the importance of working with our internal beliefs and attitudes when we realize that many of our limitations are just programs instilled in US during childhood or through negative experiences. We gain the ability to rewrite them. We gain the power to change the script of our lives and step out of the role of a victim of circumstances. Continuing our discussion, it’s important to note that the subconscious doesn’t just remember information.
It’s also closely tied to our emotions. Emotions are a kind of language of the subconscious through which it communicates with us. If you’ve ever experienced, intense fear that paralyzed you it was your subconscious protected you from a perceived threat. The subconscious interprets emotional experiences and builds defense mechanisms based on them. However, these reactions aren’t always appropriate to the actual situation, for example the fear of public speaking that many people experience is often linked to a past negative experience where they were judged or felt like failures.
The subconscious remembers this experience and tries to avoid a repeat causing fear of public speaking that can be excessive and irrational to change these reactions.
It’s important to learn how to work with the subconscious directly. One powerful tool for this is affirmations and visualizations. Imagine, starting each morning with a positive affirmation. I am confident and capable repeating such phrases gradually reprograms the subconscious, creating new neural connections that replace old, negative beliefs.
It’s similar to how training strengthens muscles. The more you repeat: affirmations, the stronger the new belief becomes an example from literature. That vividly illustrates the power of the subconscious. Is the story, The Wizard of Oz, by frank Bound in this story?
The characters go in search of something they believe they lack. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the lion wants courage and the Tin. Man wants a heart. In the end, they realized that everything they were looking for was already within them, but they just weren’t aware of it.
This metaphor beautifully describes how we often seek EX external solutions to problems, not realizing that the answer lies within us in our subconscious. This outward search is merely an attempt to compensate for the internal unawareness that we already possess the necessary resources. The subconscious often works like an autopilot guiding our actions, even when we’re not aware of it, for example, think about how you drive a car. Initially, it seems like a complex process. You need to watch the road change gears and control speed, but with practice, all these actions become automatic, your brain hands Over Control to the subconscious, which now does all the work. Similarly, in life, many of our actions and reactions are the result of programming that has become ingrained in the subconscious through repetition.
The good news is that, if something can be programmed, it can also be reprogrammed. This requires time, effort and perseverance, but the process is possible and real. Another effect Ive way to work with the subconscious is through mindfulness and meditation in moments of meditation. We learn to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This allows us to understand which beliefs are hindering our development. Mindfulness is the key that helps make the unconscious conscious. It allows us to catch automatic reactions and replace them with more conscious actions.
For example, if you realize that your reaction to criticism is fear and withdrawal, you can stop and choose a different reaction, see criticism as an opportunity for growth. The moment of awareness is the moment of choice where we can rewrite the usual script and create new Behavior. It’S important to remember that reprogramming the subconscious is a process that requires time and perseverance. We can’t change our habits and beliefs overnight, but small, consistent steps toward mindfulness and positive thinking can lead to significant changes. Imagine your subconscious as a garden if you care for it daily, removing the weeds of negative thoughts and planting the seeds of positive beliefs over time it will Bloom and bear fruit.
It is persistence and patience that help reprogram the subconscious and create a new reality. Thus, the subconscious is an incredible tool that can be used for our benefit or to our detriment, knowing how it works gives us the power to change our lives, achieve goals and unlock our potential start today, use affirmations practice, mindfulness and and watch your inner world begin To transform the more time you spend working with your subconscious, the sooner you’ll notice changes in your life. Your beliefs will become your allies, not obstacles. One interesting aspect of working with the subconscious is the power of habits.
You’ve probably heard the saying we are what we repeatedly do. This phrase accurately describes how habits influence our lives. Our subconscious creates Behavior patterns based on repeated actions and the more we repeat, an action. The more becomes ingrained in our subconscious. For example, if you start each day with meditation or physical activity over time, these actions become a natural part of your life. You no longer need to make an effort to do them because they are already programmed into your subconscious.
That’s why it’s so important to create positive habits and get rid of negative ones. You can start with small steps, such as dedicating at least 10 minutes a day to reading or self-development at first. This may seem difficult, but over time your habit will strengthen and it will become much easier. Positive Habits Like exercise, reading, healthy eating and meditation help form more favorable attitudes and programs in the subconscious. Even small positive changes can yield significant results if practiced regularly. An example of the power of positive habits is the story of well-known entrepreneur and best-selling author Tony Robbins.
He practices what he calls a morning routine every day, which includes breathing, exercises affirmations and gratitude. This practice helps him, set a positive tone and be productive throughout the day. Robins claims that these habits have helped him achieve success and maintain high energy levels. His example inspires many people around the world to change their morning rituals and form positive habits. Remember that your subconscious constantly absorbs information from the environment. Therefore, your surroundings, and what you fill your mind with directly affect your subconscious. If you’re, often surrounded by negativity, your inner world will reflect that negativity.
But if you surround yourself with positive people, inspiring stories and enriching knowledge, your subconscious will tune into a positive frequency, for example, instead of starting the morning with news that is often filled with stressful events. You can spend that time. Reading a motivational book or listening to a self-development, podcast practicing gratitude is also a powerful way to work with the subconscious each day find at least three things you’re great ful, for it can be something simple: a delicious breakfast, a pleasant walk in the fresh air or the support of a loved one writes these moments in a gratitude Journal. This practice helps shift Focus from scarcity to abundance in positive aspects of Life, which in turn affects your subconscious beliefs. Gratitude helps create a sense of abundance and happiness which directly influences how we perceive the world around us.
The subconscious is a fascinating and Powerful tool and by learning how to work with it, you can reach New Heights in your life, gradually incorporate the techniques described into your daily routine, and the results will not be long incoming.
Remember that everything starts small, but each small step leads to significant changes.
The method we promised you at the beginning of the video is called the conscious, positive reflection method. This method consists of three steps that will help you reprogram your subconscious for positive and success. The first step is to set aside time for reflection at the end of the day, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and for 10 15 minutes analyze the day that has passed recall events that brought you positive emotions and consciously relive these moments.
Focusing on the joy and gratitude you felt at the time.
The second step is to turn negative events into positive experiences. Recall all the challenging moments of the day, but try to find something positive in them. It could be a lesson you learn from the situation or a new opportunity that arose from the experience.
This approach helps reduce the negative impact of stressful events and view them as important steps on your path to growth. The third step is to create a positive mindset for the next day. Visualize yourself successfully handling the tasks awaiting you tomorrow.
Imagine feeling confident, calm and joyful and repeat, an affirmation that supports you in this state, such as I can handle any challenges and do so with ease and confidence. This mindset helps your subconscious work in your favor and prepares you for new successes.