Welcome, where we are sharing personal branding and marketing strategies to help you increase your impact and, your income, I’m Michelle knight, founder and, ceo of brandmerry.com, and today i wanton share with you the art of repurposing specifically. We are going to talk about how to create a content. Workflow and, how one single piece of content can create20 plus pieces of content in your business?
Now i will tell you: I’ve got a free guide for you that’s, going to break all of this down and youkan map it out inside of this guide, so stay tuned to the end, and i will share how you can get your hands on that. But the very first thing that you want to do is figure out what your core content is going to be. Now i recommend that this core contents a long form piece of content, so something that you know is quite a few words uh typically like around a thousand words or so that youkan then break up into smaller pieces and it’ll make sense.
Why we’re doing that in just a few seconds? But this core piece of content typically comes in the form of blogging, so writing obviously video, which is my core piece of content, or podcasting audio and those tend to be the top.
Three that my audience and my clients like to gravitate towards i do have a few clients who are super comfortable on social media and maybe that’s like they’re their well-oiled machine and they’re wanting to move into other areas like podcasting video or blogging, and they like taking their maybe three or four posts. A week and pulling them together into one single piece of content so that is available to you, but i find that majority of my clients really love taking the long form and then breaking that down. So, you want to choose the piece of long-form content that works best for you. Again, start with video content, so this video right now is a core piece of content for one entire week in, my business so number one figure out your core content number two decide on your platforms.
NowThis is equal parts. Where do you feel comfortable showing up and want to show up and where’s your audience showing up? So, we never want to say like you know i want to be on twitter and your audience really isn’t spending a lot of time on twitter sobe really strategic, especially if it’s just you in the beginning, you don’t have to be everywhere as. You start to really get great at mastering this.
Workflow you’ll find that it’s really easy to add on another social media platform or addon a different, a piece to your content, but in the beginning start small and the three areas that recommend are thinking of one form of social MediaOne form of search engine optimized platform.
Right, we’ll talk about those and then email marketing you should always be growing. Your email list which means. You should always be emailing your growing email list, so those are the three areas that recommend starting out with, and this could lookalike um for search engine. This could look liveblogging uh, which works hand-in-hand with google interest, which is a search engine platform and YouTube, which is a search engine platform so choosing one of those and um, and then your email list and then a form of social media, maybe that’s Instagram Facebook, maybe it’s twitter, maybe it’s LinkedIn uh.
Maybe it’s tick tock. You know i don’t know whatever we want to do son. That is where you want to decide.
What are the platforms after i have this core piece of content?
Where am i going to put out and then um, ultimately making sure that you’re falling into those three categories: email marketing search engine optimized and a form of social media? All right, once you have figured out your core content, you figured out where you’re going to be putting that core content and then additional pieces. Now we get to map out the plan okay, so this is where the fun begins. This is where and inside the guide. I’M going to share with you. There’s actually a web that I’ve created so, you can have a really.
You know it’s easy it’s, very visual for you, which is helpful but. You have your core piece of content in the center and then you have all of these webs it’s kind of like mind mapping. You have all these webs that go out that have the different platforms and how many times, you’re going to show up on those platforms.
So, I’m going to give you an example of, my business, so you can see how this works so, we start with a core piece of content. This video right here, which is part of a series that have on social media called Mondays with Michelle that video, i record. Then it gets put out on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, so that’s three platforms already out of the gate from one piece of content. In addition to that, we transcribe the video content and turn that into a blogpost. So, we transcribe our video just pretty much exactly how it is, and we put that onto our blog which we’ve optimized for seo, making sure that our title and our headers and things are going to show up in search engines.
Okay from that blog post, wearer, creating five ish pin graphics for interests. We want to make sure that my content is getting seen on Pinterest. We have a very awesome strategy with Pinterest, one of the things i teach inside of the academy and that’s where thousands and thousands of my website. Visitors are coming from so, we’re creating five additional pieces of content for Pinterest and those will be recycled through not just that week, but over the course Ofa few weeks and then the pins that do really well will continue to put energy towards and optimize for.
Like i said years to come, then, from that core piece of content, I’m showing up on Facebook and Instagram multiple times a week, so we’re typically creating two to three graphics or posts: um maybe sometimes, a real that has to do with that core piece of content and that’s on two platforms so. That’s six additional pieces of content over that week and possibly into the next weeks well, just depending on what we’ve got going on than in addition to that, I’m also showing up multiple times through Instagram reels. Uh we will create Instagram stories I’ll go on stories and. Just talk about the Mondays. With Michelle and I’m showing up on that platform as well that is what i use in my business in addition to emailing my list and saying hey, I’ve got a new blog, and I’ve got a new video up.
So that’s about 20 pieces of, various content that I’m putting out into the world and it’s coming from one single videoland, I’m not having to recreate the wheel. Every time, like that core transcript from this video is, creating the social media content and it’s creating the blog and it’s determining what the interest graphics are going to be, so i don’t have to think about it every single day. What am i going to write, and so i hope you see how awesome thesis, because it’s such a fun way to make sure that not only is your content getting into the hands of the people who need it most, but it’s also making sure that you’re becoming known for something in your Industry and that’s the power of branding really kind of repeating yourself and saying the same things in different ways: multiple times helps get your point across and really helps move your customer through the buying process the.
Other piece of this is that people are going to, find your brand at different points of the buying process, meaning that someone who’s further, along and ready to purchase is most likely going to google to find your products or your services, where someone who’s just casually scrolling and casually looking for you know. Advice or education might be turning to social media Soby, showing up on these various platforms you’re able to make sure that you’re bringing in people at various points of the buying process, which is truly important as a business owner okay.
So, you have created your core content picked out. What that’s going to be you’ve decided on the platforms that you’re going to show up with to start, then you map it out and determine what. Does this look like right if you’re creating video, where is that going, you don’t have to do Facebook Instagram and YouTube? I’ve got a team now. You know pick what works best for you and then you’re ultimately going to be adding it to at ask management software so that you can repeat the workflow every single week. So, after you’ve created your map of what that content is going to, look like, then you want to make a checklist of. Okay, what do i got to do right? Okay, i have to pick the title for the content.
Then i need to write a script. Maybe if you’re doing a video then um, I’m going to have to take that video and I’m going to have to transcribe it whether, that’s someone’s doing it for you, or you’re using a platform like rev.com, you then want, to make the graphics for these different things right. I want you to list out every micro piece that goes into this process which, if you’re solopreneur it might be like this is a long list Michelle and i get it. But i promise the more that you repeat this: the faster it will become for you and. Then, when you’re in a place where you’re ready to add team, you can very easily assign people the weekly things that they need to door your business to keep it moving forward. Tomaka sure that you’re creating that consistent content.
Then i recommend adding that to a task management software. We use click up over here, at brand Mary, but you can also use asana, maybe Trello works, for you there’s a lot of options out: there again click ups, what we use, maybe start there testis out, see if you like it and this becomes template – and it’s repeated every single week In my business now, repurposing doesn’t stop here. Repurposing can be used in your programs, Uh workshops that I’ve done that I’ve turned into free content, free content, that I’ve turned into pay content, like the possibilities, are endless but this strategy to repurposing your content and creating.
This workflow is going to help you consistently show up, which is key and again consistency doesn’t mean you’re showing up every single day, but it means that you’re showing up for your audience and you’re, not peeking out Foran entire month and there, not hearing anything from. You that’s stalling the movement through the buying process. We want to keep that momentum goings. I teased that i had a guide for you and, if you are ready to get your hands on that, you can go tobrandmerry.com/repurpose and get your hands on my repurposing guide.
It’s going to just walk through this process again for you, but it’s going to give you a nice workbook to map out the different pieces, and I’ve got some bonus content for you Aswell in there.
When it comes to content creation and creating your workflow in task management there, you have it. That is how you master the art of repurposing, creating a workflow that youkan repeat week after week after week, this is so essential, if you are the only one in your business, you are rocking that solopreneur life and, very, very important. If you have a team because then, you don’t have to do everything everybody’s helping you out, but creating this workflow is just really an awesome strategy for creating consistent content.
If you’re ready to get your hands on that repurposing guide, go to brandmerry.com/repurpose or click, the link in the description below and you can get your hands on that guide that is going to walk you through the process of choosing your platforms, mind mapping making that checklist and.
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