If you are watching this video right now, then you’re probably doing a little bit of research on YouTube about how to make money with jvzoo. This is jvzoo affiliate marketing techniques. This is a jvzoo affiliate. Marketing tutorial, I want to show you how to make money on jvzoo today right. So, if you can see the screen were actually on jvzoo right now before we actually jump into the training. I just want to explain a little bit about my story, so I’ve been online now for the last nine years. Eight of those nine years, though failed, really miserably, was trying very, very hard to figure out this whole online marketing thing out.
I’ve tried MLM, affiliate marketing top tier sales, digital products, physical products, ecommerce, you name it. I’ve tried it. Okay made a lot of mistakes and finally figured it out about a year and a half ago, mainly through affiliate marketing, which is why I’m showing you this stuff today, okay, so this works not just for affiliate marketing but anytime. You want to sell some sort of digital product online, so whether it’s affiliate marketing your own program, somebody else’s program, it doesn’t really matter. Okay, there’s a very specific way to do this, but I’ll just show you how to do this with jvzoo and then I’ll talk about how you can use this formula to sell. Basically, anything you want okay, so jvzoo again, it’s an affiliate marketplace is very similar to Clickbank.
You just come to jvzoo.com, okay, now this page that I’m on right now this is actually you go to affiliates and you go to find products. Okay. Now, once you go to find products, you will actually come to this page alright. Now I wanted to show you okay. So if you go to subcategory here, you can basically find products on pretty much anything. Okay, so blogging affiliate, marketing, niche, specific PLR SEO social media. You know they like to kind of work within these categories here, so I picked the fillip marketing, and I chose the world. Actually, they’ve got lots of categories right, so they’ve got everything from you know education to gambling systems to health and fitness weight loss, self-improvement that kind of thing. So, I chose internet marketing, and I chose affiliate marketing. Okay, that’s the space that I work in alright.
So, once I do that, you can kind of see here that there’s a whole bunch of different products.
Okay, so if I wanted to kind of zoom in here just so that you guys can see this, hopefully a little bit better, you can see that let’s take a look at the second one here right by Michael Chaney III. I don’t know this guy. I’Ve never marketed his product, but just as an example, he has a product called the commission machine. Okay and the Commission machine he’s sold Wow. He sold like nine thousand plus of these. The conversions are pretty low they’re about two percent. You know that’s pretty normal. To be honest, one to two percent is pretty normal. The earnings per click are, you know, thirty, seven cents.
That means that for every click he gets he earns roughly about thirty seven cents or you earn roughly thirty seven cents. Okay, the average price is the average pay price on an on entry, so you’ll you’ll make roughly about eighteen dollars. Okay and the Commission here payout to you is a hundred percent. Now you might be asking well if it’s a hundred percent, what does Mike earn? Well? He basically earns back-end sales okay. So, if somebody upgrades and stuff like that, he probably has some sort of back-end system where they, if they, if they upgrade, he makes that Commission. So he gets you to build his stuff for him. For free, you get all the commissions and then back-end stuff he’ll take a portion of that. Okay. So that’s pretty!
That’s pretty good! Actually, so, if you wanted to market the Commission machine, all you would have to do is click on request and when you how to make money on jvzoo.
Click on request, you’ll see the next page, where you actually have to. You know click on this little link here and then you have to give him a reason on why you know you want to actually market his program. Some of them actually asked you jvzoo affiliate marketing strategies.
How your goon and market the program, because they don’t want people to spam their stuff? They want to make sure that if you’re gon na market it you’re gon na be a real person, you’re gon na do it properly. Okay, and sometimes you could reject it. Okay, that’s kind of how jvzoo works okay, so I would basically go out there and try and get requests. You know quite a few requests like five or ten of these affiliate programs and you might get only two approved, for example, right. It depends on how long you’ve been marketing online okay now once you get approved. So, if I go back here once you get approved, you can bet you’ll basically get. If you go back to affiliates, you go to approve products. Okay.
Now, if you go to approve products, what will happen is you’ll see a list of products that you can market and then basically they will give you a link, your specific link that you can market I’m goon an call it the jvzoo link. Okay. Now, when you, when people go to the jvzoo link and they buy from that link, you generate a commission. It’s as simple as that. Okay jvzoo is very, very simple. All you’re doing is you’re getting access to a particular program, affiliate program, you’re requesting to be able to market that program and when they approve you, they give you a link and once you promote that link people buy from that link, you generate a commission.
That’s it! Okay, I’m goon and talk about that a little bit more, but let’s just have a look at what it looks like.
So I want to see what the Commission machine looks like okay, so I’m gon na click on it here and then here it says, see the sales page, so I’m gon na click on it. Actually I have it open already, but let’s just load it up properly. So that you can kind of see this process right, so this is kind of what it looks like okay. So, this is kind of how a lot of the internet marketing sales pages look like so they’ll, basically be the name. There’ll be some sort of title. You know this one says: earn up to two thousand six hundred and forty-two dollars a day blah you know copying this little-known, super-secret, affiliate, weapon right and then there’ll be some sort of sales video.
It’s usually, you know it usually lasts like five minutes to ten minutes.
You can see this one here. You might be a bit small for you, but it says four minutes and 18 seconds right people watch it and then you can kind of go down in it, and this is a long-form sales letter right. So, he’s got proof. There he’s got kind of a story. He builds the story up. There’s some. You know pictures of him traveling around the world. There are some testimonials of you know some of his students. He you know more of a story, some more testimonials, some features and benefits. Some proof. You know he’s got some video proof here from different students that have used it a lot more proof. You go all the way down here. You’ll probably have some sort of guarantee he’ll show you a picture of the program right, the price, so this cost nine 95 and you basically make almost all of that right.
A hundred percent of that there’s a secure order, form what you get some sort of guarantee and then that’s kind of it. Okay. So if you basically click on by the Commission machine, it will probably go to the sales page. Okay and then your that’ll be the checkout, so people will fill out this information. They can pay with PayPal and when they pay, you generate a commission. That’s it that’s jvzoo, very, very simple! Okay! Now let me kind of go back here again and I’m goon and go back now.
Here’s the thing about all of this stuff right. So, if you wanted to, you could go back here and you could basically run through all these different niche markets, and you can pick a particular niche market that you want to market in. Okay, it’s completely up to you right! So I’m just showing you this one, because I’m an internet marketing, I’m in a home-based business, it’s the most obvious one to do so. Let me teach you how to actually generate sales now. Here is the thing about this right, so people will promote this, but the truth is is that most people won’t actually generate any sales from selling this program I mean you can see it here already. The conversion rate is 2 %. That’S ridiculously low. Think about that right, so the ones here that have like 11 % – that’s really high.
I really don’t think it’s that high. I mean look, I’m just scrolling down here. You can see I’m gon na zoom in on this look: 3 %, 3 %, 2 %. 2 % 6 % – that’s that’s extremely high, okay, 10 %. I don’t! I don’t really believe that these are oh, it’s a holiday special. So, it’s slightly different four percent three percent, but you can see okay, anything that yeah. I mean 10 percent. That’s really high! What is this unlimited license? I don’t even think that yeah, I think, that’s some sort of upgrade, but if you look at most of the programs where they’re just a flat-out normal sales funnel where someone buys a program, the conversion rate is ridiculously low. Okay and I know I’ll just I’ll – just okay, 2 % – okay. So just let me kind of explain to you how this works right, so sorry about this? Okay! So, let’s do this, so I call this the method that everybody uses okay, the newbie method right.
So, you know, if you’re watching this video today and you want to learn about jvzoo or how to basically market online, you might be a newbie okay. So, this is why I call this the newbie method, because most people that that come online for the first time, they have no idea what they’re doing. Okay, then wide-eyed, you know they’re really green behind the ears, but they have no idea what they’re doing okay. So this is what most people do they drive traffic now traffic is basically getting eyeballs people from one place to another place, to basically see your website, so the more people that you get to see that sales page earlier, the more money you’ll make okay and it Can be from methods like solo ads, it could be from, you know, YouTube it could be from Facebook, it could be from article marketing, it could be from blogging, it could be from banners, it could be from influencer marketing, like you know, Instagram and Facebook and YouTube, Etc, etc. Okay, so this is not a traffic course, but you must drive traffic towards your stuff right, so this is what most people will do, or this is what most people teach you how to do? You drive traffic to something called a capture page. Okay. Now a capture page is not a new thing, it’s something!
That’s very, very old! It’s basically a website that you own okay, where you ask for the SUBSCRIBE that you ask for someone’s email address in exchange for something else. So, in this example, because it’s you know, it’s an affiliate marketing makes money online work from home. That’s the niche that we’re talking about the capture page might say something like hey. If you want to learn how to make money from home, just put your email address in here and I’m goon an send you a free report that would teach you exactly how to do that in in five pages or in five minutes, or something like that. So, someone who sees that website they might be like wow. I want to know how to make money online.
I want to learn how to build a business from home, so they answer that email address. They get that report and then what happens is usually people will lead them directly to the JV zoo, link, okay and then that’s where you saw that link earlier right, so that was the money-making machine or whatever right money-making machine program, product.
Okay, it’s I’ll put sales page to be more accurate. Okay. So that’s! That’s as simple as that.
Now the thing that goes on with the capture page is basically as soon as someone enters that email address. It gets put into your autoresponder because your autoresponder is linked to your capture, page right, and if you don’t know what an autoresponder is, it’s basically an automated email machine that collects email addresses it stores it as a database, and it follows up with your customers or Prospects on autopilot it just emails them on a regular basis.
However, you want to set it up. Okay, this is the best way to build a relationship with your list, but the problem with this method is that usually what people would do is on day one an email goes out, and it says: hey thanks for coming to my website. If you want to see how to learn, you know if you want to learn how to make 500 dollars a day, just click on the link below, and you can learn how to do that and when they click on it. It led them back to the jvzoo link, which is basically the money-making machine sales page in this example, right on day number two, the autoresponder will send another email, and they’ll say the same thing: hey, how to make money on jvzoo.
I hope you got my email yesterday, but just in case you missed it, you opted in to learn how to build a business from home, so click here and you’ll get access to the money-making machine. They click on it again and it goes back to the same. Jvzoo link – and it goes back to Michael’s money-making machine sales page in this example.
Right so what’s happening is people are seeing this? Where is that I’m just go on and pull it up so that so that you guys can see it there, basically seeing this exact there, seeing this exact sales page over and over and over again now tell me something what’s wrong with this picture here. Well, what’s wrong with it is that people are gon na get desensitized very very quickly. Remember that this is 2017 2018. 2019. 2020 right. This is not 2009. When the internet was very new right, everybody sees offers every day right, you’re, you’re, practically bombarded with sales opportunities every single day and that’s a problem right, because people are desensitized. If you sell like everybody else, is selling people aren’t goon and buy okay, and you can see that it’s reflected directly here on the conversions of this cat of this offer is ridiculous.
This offer converts at 2 %. I mean come on if you this basically means that for every 100 people that see this sales page only two people will buy. This is why everyone is going broke online, because they don’t understand that a lot of these sales pages don’t convert that well, okay. So I’m gon na kind of update you here. This is like real. This is real proof right there. This page right particularly – and this is not just with this particular page – a lot of them convert very, very low look, even if you were converting at 5 %. You can’t make that much money. I mean look at how much you make you earn on the front end right; you earn what is it 19, bucks? 1995. That’s how much you make or 18 bucks whatever it is. I mean if you earned, if you send a hundred people – let’s, let’s do the math right now.
This is goon can be a this is goon can be really interesting right. So, let’s just say, you sent a hundred people hundred people to your website, okay and it costed you two dollars to send to get a lead right. So that means you paid $ 2 for every single lead. This basically costed, you $ 200 to send a hundred people to see this website. Now, let’s just say, you convert a two percent right, because it’s 2 percent of 100 is 2 people right, so it’s basically 1995 times 2 that equals 2. Let’s round it up that equal 240 bucks, ok, so that means you generated a revenue of $ 40 in sales, but it costed you, 200 pucks in traffic costs to send these to people. Can you see what’s wrong here right? So basically, it’s 200 bucks, 40 bucks means that you’re down negative, a jvzoo, affiliate, marketing hundred and sixty dollars. Okay – and this is why my friends – everybody all affiliate marketers out there are going broke because they don’t understand how to increase their conversions tremendously.
Now he might have some back-end sales and stuff like that but trust me when I say 2 % is not enough for you to get in profit. This is why everyone’s going broke. Okay. So, if you do it this way, you’re not go on an make any money. Okay, traffic to capture page to your affiliate link is not goon an make you any money. Now. Let me show you what is goon an make you money now. I call this the pro method. Okay, now you can implement what I’m about to teach you over in the next few minutes to any type of product. It doesn’t have to be JV zoo. It can be Jays b JV zoo, but it can also be Click bank. It can also be another affiliate program.
It can be your own product, so if you decide that you want to create your own program, so if you want to build, you know if you want to teach people how to generate leads on YouTube or Facebook, and you want an you know, wrap them up That up in a little digital box – and you want an you know upload it onto a membership site and sell that to people online and charge them 100 bucks for it 500 bucks, a thousand bucks. You can absolutely use this exact method. I’M goon an show you right now to sell it. Okay, cool yeah watch this okay, so it starts the same way. You drive traffic because it’s always about traffic right. The more people that you can get to see your stuff, the more money in general you’re going to make so traffic directly to your capture page, it’s the same thing. Okay, now your capture page, remember it’s goon can be attached to your autoresponder right now.
You can use a Aweber, you can good use, get response if you guys want to want to get any of the any of the resources that I’m talking about. You can always look below in the description box. I’ll leave you the links to some of these resources. Okay now link your autoresponder like get response to your capture page and to build a capture. Page you’ve got to use a very powerful funnel building software, like click funnels. Okay, so make sure you do that. Do not screen JH on your assets. On you’re on your foundation, you must have a strong foundation. Your websites have to work. You’ve got to track them all that good stuff.
Okay, so let’s just assume that you’re doing that traffic to capture page and then, instead of leading them directly to your JV zoo link or to your affiliate program whatever it is, this is the magic okay. You want to leave them to something that I call the value series. Okay, no one’s doing this, probably like 0.1 % of the entire world that does affiliate marketing is doing this very few people know how to do this all right now. What is the value series now? A value series is a series. Actually, let me let me do this down here one second: the value series is a series of four videos, three to four videos: okay, that you must create; okay, no one else can do it. You must create it as the brand owner as the marketer.
You need to do this, so, let’s just say in this example: we’re talking about make money from home right, affiliate, marketing, building a business online okay. So what you want to do in this value series is in every single day. You want to teach them one small thing about how to build a business online, and you want to do this for free, don’t ask for the sale. Okay. Here is your chance to connect with your people right so, for example, in video number one as soon as they enter the capture page. So my capture page might say something like hey. If you want to learn how to if you’ve always wanted to learn how to build a business online, if you want to understand how to earn your first dollar and convert a cold traffic into sales, opt-in here and I’m goon an, send you a free report.
That is going to teach you how to do that. So that’s the first step, that’s the capture page, so they enter the email address, they get the free report and then they go directly to video one of your value series. Now you in your video, you might say something like hey thanks for opting in to my page. If you check your email, you can get your free report that, but today I wanted to teach you the one main thing that you need to do. If you want to build a successful business online and the first thing that you need to do is you must have a capture page okay, so maybe in video number one you teach them everything about a capture page okay and this video can be. It can be short, it can be long, it’s completely up to you. It can be five minutes; it could be fifteen minutes.
Okay, I wouldn’t go too long, but I would say anywhere from like five to 20 minutes isomer than enough. Okay. So, in video number one, maybe you teach them about how to build a capture page, what it is why it’s important all that stuff, because you’re teaching them how to build a business right and every online business needs a capture page. That’s why you start with that. Now, at the end of video number one you want to say so I listened.
I hope you enjoyed this video today now what you want to do. If you want to get more information on how to build a business online, is I want to show you exactly where I learned this from so? If you click on the link right below this, video you’re gon na be led to the program that I’m in right now. All of my students are doing it as well, and if you want to check it out, you can so it’s like a no-pressure thing. Okay and then, when they click on that link, it’s goon and lead them to your jvzoo link, okay or whatever your affiliate program.
You know whatever you want, write your own program, your own product, whatever you want, okay, your MLM, if you’re doing MLM online, for example, yeah. So that’s how it works, then, on day number two, your autoresponder, which is linked to your capture page, will email them automatically value series day number two, an hour in day number two! You do the same thing. You did in day number one, but you talked about something slightly different from day number one. So maybe day number two. You talked about traffic, okay, so Dave anomic. You say something like hey. Welcome back to day number two.
This is Erin Chen today I wanted to talk a little bit about traffic, because traffic is one of the most important things that every online business must have in order to be profitable. Okay, so in today’s video I’m gon na talk about the two top places, then you can go to to get traffic and then maybe you talked a little bit about it right, so you, maybe you tell them about Facebook or YouTube or article marketing or banner advertising. Whatever you want, you edit them basically right you’re, giving your list your audience a lot of value at the end of the video. You do the same thing, so I hope you enjoyed this video today. If you want to learn where I learned all this stuff from, you can check it out.
If you want to click on the link right below this video and then when they click on it again, they go directly to your jvzoo link or your affiliate link or whatever. Okay and that’s how it works now, this is this strategy. I promise you: if you do this properly, you will convert at about 20 % or more 15 to 20 % or more. It depends on how good your value series’ and how you know how slick you get this down. Okay, now, I’m just go on and highlight this in blue, because this is super important right so check this out. So that’s the secret guys. This is called the pro method. Now.
Let me explain why this works. Okay, it works because number one you’re, not a greasy salesperson you’re, not asking for the sales straightaway. In fact, you’re not really asking for the sale at all you’re doing is you’re giving them value you’re, giving them a free report or the capture page then you’re, giving them for free training. Videos, okay, that you’re doing all you do. If you grab a camera? Write your Samsung camera, your iPhone camera. You know, video camera, you record these short little videos, five to ten minutes, whatever it is, and then basically what happens then? If you upload them? Okay, you use Click funnels to build out your entire value series and what’s happening here. Is your you’re getting your audience to know like and trust you right and people only buy from people that they know like and trust?
Okay, not only that you’re building credibility because you’re not asking for anything and you’re, educating your audience and you’re also building authority, naturally, because you’re teaching people how to do something you’re, just naturally building Authority. People are now looking at you like the expert they’re, like oh wow, this this Bob guy. You know this David guy, this Jill girl. You know she knows what she’s talking about right and she’s teaching me good stuff. So, I’m goon an trust this person, okay and that’s the start of how you build a relationship with people through the computer right and it’s very important that you use video, because video is the best way to convert people into sales. Okay, so can you see?
Can you see how this strategy compared to the newbie strategy is completely different right now here’s the beauty about the strategy like I mentioned earlier, you’re, not asking for the sale, you’re, educating them and then at the end, all you’re saying is hey. Listen! If you want to learn more about this, it’s completely up to you by the way you can check out the program that I’m a part of, but you know it’s up to you. You don’t have to. If you don’t want to do it’s like no pressure. If they want to check it out, they can and believe me, if you do a good job. People are goon an want to see where you learnt this stuff from because they already learned so much from you in in the in the value series that they want to find out everything right, because you give them a little that they can take action on right Away, but they want to learn everything so they’re goon an check out your link.
Okay, now not everyone is goon and buy, but who cares? Because if you can, if you can increase your conversions by 10 to 20 times, believe me when I say your goon and make way more money than if you just if you don’t, then, if you don’t do this at all yeah, does that make sense yeah? Can you see how this will help you in your business? Let me know in the comments below I want to know. If you think that you can do this, and I want to know if you think that this will convert your leads into sales more than, if you didn’t do it, this way, pretty cool right. So here’s what here’s, what I want you to do right now, if you got some value from this video, please give me a thumbs up. You can also subscribe to my channel by clicking on the on the red button below you know. We come up with a lot more stuff in the traffic and conversions Academy. Here, it’s all about traffic.
It’s all about conversions, it’s all about being profitable in your business. Now, here’s the thing! If you want to learn how to build out a value series properly write in like a lot of detail, you know I’m goon and show you on the whiteboard and all this stuff. If you want an, if you want okay, all you have to do is click on the link right below this video. First of all, this is what’s goon a happen. Your goon an see a page, and its goon an ask you for your email address. Okay, put in your best email cuz, I’m goon an, send you the training, but the first thing your goon and see is goon an see the business that I’m a part of okay.
So how I generate a lot of my income. A lot of my students are in here because, basically it trains you how to be a very, very powerful, marketer, okay, first and foremost, and then check your emails, because I’m goon an send you a little surprise. Okay and every day for the next few days, your goon an get a little piece of training. I see a little piece, but it’s extra extremely powerful. It’s super detailed, all right on exactly how I did this, how I built my business from scratch? How I you know, turned eight years of failure into one year of huge success. I want to teach you how to do that.
Okay and you can get it all for free alright, so all you have to do if you want to do that completely up to you again is if you click on the link in the description box below you can get access to that stuff. Alright, so I hope you enjoyed this this video today make sure you take action on this stuff, guys, okay, because if you’re just watching this and you’re not taking any action you’re not doing anything, then your business and results are goon an, be the same and you’re Not go on an make any money and you’re goon can be a very, very sad, sad person, okay, because I would be very if I wasn’t making any money in my business like I like, I was for the last like eight years or so. Okay, so please take action on this stuff and I hope you enjoyed this video today. I hope to speak to you very soon in another video take care.
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