In this video, I’m going to show you how to change your admin username your WordPress in WordPress, when you create a new website, the default username is set to admin. However, it’s a really good idea to have an admin username, that’s different from the default admin, because it makes it much harder for people to hack into your WordPress site.
So, all we need to do to make our website more secure is to modify the default admin. Like so, okay, so that’s great for when you create a new website, but what, if you have an existing website and you’ve already set up your admin username as a default admin? You can’t change it right. Well, if we log into WordPress and go to users, we can see that existing user names cannot be changed. Actually, this isn’t true, we can change an existing user name and it’s extremely easy to do so. All we have to do is go back to users and create a new user profile, I’m going to create a new username, I’m going to keep it as admin, but I’m going to modify it slightly.
Try not to make it too obvious and I usually use some kind of abbreviation that makes sense to me. So in this case I’m going to change it to admin hyphen CPS. Next, we need to insert a different email to the one we normally use. We could make one up for now and replace it later with our main email address, so I’m just going to use WP at Gmail com, and we need to insert password next.
We need to change the role to administrator, and we need to make sure we press add new user. Now on the user screen, you notice that we have the option to delete the new username, but we don’t have the option to delete our old username. So, what we need to do is log out and then log back in again with our new username and password. Now, if you go back to users, we have the option to delete the admin, select a tribute all content to our new username. What this does is it attributes or blog posts that were written by the previous username to this new username?
Now, if we go into our new username, you will notice the nickname and public name is displayed as our new admin name.
What we want to do is change the nickname and publicly displayed nickname to make it difficult for hackers to try to get our username. This is a nickname that will appear if you comment on blog posts, so I’m just going to change this to my name – and this is also where we can put our real email address in here – remember to press update profile. You have now successfully changed your username.
I made your website more secure. This is a really simple step. We can take to improve the security of our WordPress website.
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