Google SEO #1 Website Rankings (Flip Site,Lead Gen,Rent?)

My name is Chris Palmer with chrisp palmer. org so 
I don't want to waste any time I want to get into   these tips so here we go let's first and foremost 
what I've noticed is the people that I talk to   business owners they don't already have a place to 
sell leads or rent the actual site make sure you   have a place to rent the site or sell the leads 
that's number one before you get started make   those relationships next know what every lead is 
worth if you're in Roofing let's say the roofing   lead is worth $35 whatever the niche Roofing 
chiropractor anything know what every single   lead is worth the reason is is whether you decide 
to sell leads or rent the whole website you know   what the value of every qualified lead is going 
to be worth over the long run over the course of   a year knowing what the lead rates are is crucial 
then you can negotiate a good deal not only for   the person you're offering the services to or the 
website or the leads but also yourself next is   Target the right key words so I'll use an example 
exact match domains in a small City the sites   are going to rank right away it's such a small 
industry or Niche plus a small area that there's   no volume there's not even a chance for conversion 
right so what I'm looking at right here and what   I'm showing you is make sure that there's some 
type of traffic right or talk to somebody that   knows the industry look at traffic and CPC CPC is 
going to be commercial intent value right there's   commercial intent there's a possibility that this 
can convert that's why somebody's willing to spend   $22 per click right so I like to make sure that 
there's some type of traffic some type of CPC   somebody's betting on it right so what we want to 
make sure of is we know what the lead value is we   want to know that we can sell the leads we want to 
know what the leads are worth we want to know what   the volume in the CPC is on top of that we want 
to make sure we're targeting the right services   in the right areas for instance like I was leading 
to Richmond is one of the largest cities I'm not   saying Target the biggest but you don't want to 
go for something like middleberg middleberg has   700 people and the CPC and the volume you can 
tell right target areas that there's actually   people looking do your homework first is what I'm 
getting at all right so let's move on to the next   one qualified leads are different than sales when 
somebody comes to the website there's phone calls   there's lead forms any one of those could be a 
qualified lead but actual sales or cases for a   lawyer is far different than an actual lead leads 
and sales are two different things so what I want   to lead you to take a look at this little stat 
here between 2% and 5% of uh websites and I know   things vary depending on industry Ecom affiliate 
local sites so we have a number that we can both   get to let's say it's 2 to 5% conversion rate 
again conversion doesn't mean sale or actual   dollars for you or the person you're selling the 
site to or renting it to right but let's say you   have 5% and let's take a look at an example 
and what you want to do is you want to put in   the keyword that you want to Target once we put in 
the keyword that we want to Target we want to look   at sites that are in the positions that we want 
to be in put up the money do the labor the cost   the hosting do all the work that's necessary and 
we get in position what is our profit potential   right so let's take this website here Virginia 
lawyers bring it into semrush or whatever tool   you're using m HRS whatever doesn't matter put 
the website into the tool and take a look at   that specific page in this instance this specific 
page ranking for a car accident lawyer in Richmond   gets 123 visitors now if we use the math from the 
average conversion rate percentage which is 5% at   the high end we take that 123 and we minus the 5% 
which is six leads six leads per month that this   page would generate potentially right now if you 
know what each lead is worth you can come up with   an approximation each month of what you could 
rent the site for you would do this for every   page on your site right now you have a fair value 
if you're selling leads what you have to do is   negotiate a price per lead that you can both feel 
comfortable about so this is how you figure out   what the lead is actually worth what the page is 
worth if I do the work this is the payoff in this   case it's six per month so if this was a roofing 
client so 6 * 35 would be $210 per month time 12   right that's $2,520 in a year that that page 
potentially could be worth so then we have to   take that cost right there our profit potential 
and we have to subtract actual dollars that are   going to be spent to set up the website how much 
time did you actually invest setting everything   up doing the research what's your time worth so 
time value the cost of Hosting for the year per   page cost to create the content upload the 
content Interlink the content image cost the   labor overall to run the website what is the 
actual costs once you come up with the actual   costs that you have plus you know what your profit 
potential is then you have to make a decision the   money that's left is that worth your time in 
investing in this new project this is the tip   that I have to give you because everybody that 
I talked to they had the website they targeted   the small area they were ranking but they didn't 
look at the potential the ranking potential The   Profit potential because once you know how much 
money potentially you can make then you know how   much you can invest potentially and how much time 
and effort and resource my name is Chris Palmer I   hope this has been helpful I know I showed you 
a couple examples um you can do this no matter   what I hope this has been helpful I was just 
going to show you another one but I don't want   to make this video too long hopefully this 
has been helpful I'm Chris Palmer with and I look forward to seeing you in the 
next video I'll see you in the next one bye-bye.


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