Hey guys, kindly prepare yourself because in this video I’m going to show you a mind blowing giveaway for you to leverage and make money online from writing articles. And this giveaway is about over 100K PLR articles in over 1500 niches and topics to make the best of them to make money online from these PLR articles. And to be clearer I just gathered PLR articles from premium websites, and they are about over four 100k PLR articles in over 1500 niches and topics and fields and just I grouped them in four packs as you see so here’s the deal for you, I’m going to give you the first pack completely for free that contains over 100K PLR articles.
Thus, if you are like them and if you are interested to invest more and to get other 300K PLR articles you can just purchase them just for four dollars. And for sure you can take that as a support for me in order to share with you different resources and many amazing guides and for sure you can find many other process attached to your purchase.
So here I will give you the first pack that contains over 100,000 PLR articles in many niches completely for free without any cost at you at all. And if you are interested more you can get all these 400k PLR articles just for four dollars. And now Let me show you a sample of these pillar articles in the first pack that you can get for free. Then here you can find your free pack ready to be opened. So, let’s open up.
Afterward here you can find your pack contains many of these folders and files about many niches and topics as I said earlier. Here you can find various of these topics and nichees many people are interested in. Like the American history, antivirus, cancer, autism, background, childcare, bathroom, kitchen, plugs, float marketing, cats, as you see child Christian ones and many of these beautiful fields and topics.
And for every single folder you can find many of these PLR articles related to this topic. So, for example, if I select one of them like agriculture.
You can find a bunch of these PL articles as you observe. And for sure you can make one line of these PLR articles in many ways. I’m going to show you how you can do that shortly in this video. So if you supplement of these PLR articles so you can take this wonderful examples beginnings of agriculture. Here you can find a beautiful article as you see and for sure it’s not much longer as you see.
But you can take this bill or as a seed peeler articles to make the best of in many different ways. So here you can find these articles are about 500 or 1000 according to this topic and this so you can find many of these articles are in 700 or 800 words and the others you can find over 1, 000 much more but here this article is PLR so it’s recommend for you to customize it a little bit on your own just you can expand it more in or any other EI tools and rewrite it and rephrase it as you like to make newer versions of this article so first sure you can take this article for example take that talks about the beginnings of agriculture so all you do just you can copy the whole seed peel article and head over to chat GPT to ask for expand or to turn this text or this small article to be more with paragraphs , more ideas and so on to be more elegant and to be more professional.
And for short I just recommended for you to use this amazing website and that is. com to rewrite these articles impulse one by one to make beautiful and new version of these articles and more unique. Any way you can get all these articles I said earlier for free regarding many of these niches and these topics as you see.
So, if you ever choose this one like an anxiety so you can find a huge amount of these relevant articles as you observe. Now let’s move on to how you can make the best of this huge amount of these PLR articles or about 400 k PLR articles. Now the first way to make my line from these PLR articles after customization it a little bit and modification and the first one is you can feed up your website and your niche website. So here you can find different Felds like for golf , for antivirus, anger management, time management and so on. So here if your website is about this specific niche here you have many these done for you and ready article that you can publish them directly to your website to feed up quickly with highly demanded and valuable resources and blog posts with different aspects with different ideas that are very important for people who are interested in this specific niche.
So you’ve got to rewrite and rephrase these articles and make it longer little bit and then publish the new ones in your website as you like. And the next way to make online from these PLR articles that is you can sell them as PLR ad they are as digital products so for sure you can sell these digital products everywhere in different digital products platforms like Creative Fabricates. com and for sure you can grind them in different folders so you can sell your folders that are about different niches and topics like for guarding and so on just for five dollars as you want. Can make them more beautiful and more SEO optimized as you want and sell them as highly valuable and elegant PLR articles for many users.
So, you can sell them as data products.
The third way just you can provide this gig to provide some articles to many users in free lensing platforms. Like fiber, upwork and so on. And the next way to make online from these pillar articles is just by selling them to websites and get paid for your articles. Unfortunately you can find these websites pay you many dollars up to you $300 per one article. Unfortunately, you can find this amazing list for realistic website that pay you for your writing articles.
You can find this list down below in the first comment. And the next way to make online from these articles they can give them as guides and as many forms of digital products like guides, checklist, cheat sheets and so on you can repurpose these articles to different forms as digital products as well. And the next method just you can use these amazing articles as a giveaway and free piece to build your email list.
The next way to use all these PLR articles just you can turn these amazing pillar articles into beautiful videos, social media or YouTube alike. So here you can repurpose these PLR articles and can take all these pillar articles as a script to make your videos and your channel on YouTube or your social media account on TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest and so on and so forth.
The next way to make my line from these articles is by making and building an E-book regarding this topic this niche. So, for example, here if you go to this folder just, I opened up this arc marketing here you can make a beautiful E-book contains these chapters and these topics as you see.
So, you can turn any folder as it is into an eBook regarding this topic in particular. For baby shower, back pain, basketball and beauty and so on and so forth like biking for example here you can make your e-books regarding this amazing interest by gathering all these pillar articles into one e-book. You can sell it as a digital product or in Kindle Amazon.
And the next way to make one online from these amazing PLR articles is by using these articles in affiliate marketing in a way or another. And you can publish these articles in different websites like Medium. com and so on including different related affiliate links to this topic. The next way to make my online from these articles is by making membership site. So here you can make your audience get to your library that contains huge amounts of these articles just for a subscription fee.
It could be 3, $5 as you like. You can get the first pack completely for free with 0. And if you want a more investment and get all these packs to your device immediately. Just you can purchase all these packs just for 4 dollars.
By the end of the video thank you for watching.
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