Hey what’s going on my cobs here and in this video, I just want to answer this question that I got from a new member inside of our community and I think this is going to be valuable for anybody who is building a homebased business and here’s the Question I started my business in February of last year: no knowledge, no skills, no clue of what to do.
I really just focused on building my audience and trying to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to build it up, and so his question was: is it mandatory to have an autoresponder right now from the outset? He does not have a list yet. So I wanted to really point this out because he was building his audience since February of last year. So that’s over one year of building his business and has no list yet. And I wanted to really point that out because your list, when building a home, business or internet marketing, is your number one asset. Okay number one asset.
So when you think about real estate – and you think about all these different other Investments, they have their there’s different assets that you can acquire in your life, but in a homebased business, an internet marketing business. Your list is your number one asset.
So, when he asks, is it mandatory to have an autoresponder from the outset absolutely mandatory?
Okay – and I know that sounds weird because, yes, you can make sales technically, you can go out there. You can message people you can send them directly to your affiliate link and make a sale, but I will tell you that is a short-term and you will not be able to make residual sales and with a list you can make residual sales.
I know a lot of people in here like residual income. Let me know in the comments, if you like residual income, but do would you like residual sales as well and that’s what an email list will do for you and so a couple other insights on this. I was on a training a couple weeks ago from a person named Diane Hawkman she’s, an awesome member of our community followed her for many years and one of the things she said on her webinar was instead of marketing for sales.
You should market for your list, and that was a super profound statement to me, because I understood did this because I know the power of my email list when I send out an email about something. Just even this video I’m going to send out to my email list and people that have been on there for years are going to see it and those that resonate with what I’m having to say. They usually go to my link and purchase the product that I’m selling and if I would have – and – and I kid you not – this was actually last month I made around 10 sales in the last 30 days and six of those sales came from follow-up came from Follow-up and so get this, had I just sent them the link right from the onset and said: hey go check out this link.
I would have had six less sales this this month and but because I put them on my email list and then I sent out a couple follow-up messages.
They all joined from the follow-up. They didn’t join from the initial and in fact I hardly ever get any sales from the initial conversation or the initial lead, and there was one sale, and I thought this was pretty cool where he opted in to one of my lead magnets, the 21 video ideas And then, a couple days later, he went through another lead, magnet my Demar training and a couple of days later he went through another lead, magnet my 5G marketing checklist, and then I saw a commission notification come through, and so this person went through multiple trainings that I provided from my email list and then eventually ended up joining.
Had I again had a conversation with this person only gave them the affiliate link. They would not have joined. That’s it the end of story when you send your affiliate links directly and you don’t focus on building an email list which it sounds like this person did because he was building his audience, and so basically, he was probably doing. Videos like they like and share my content, that’s it he wasn’t getting people on his email list, and so when I look at someone who has done work for one year with zero email list, they are not doing it correctly and one thing that we like to Do in our community is we like to teach you the correct method and I’m going to give you one tip today. So, let’s say you’re having a conversation with somebody.
Let’s say just one-on-one conversation you’re asking about their business and then they then you get to the question: hey. Are you open to taking a look at a business that can help you with yada yada yada, whatever you guys are talking about and they say? Yes, here’s what someone who will get no results will do. They will say: okay, here’s the link and that’s it. Okay, that’s one way to do it. Okay, and then they go to your link and then one and done they don’t join then later on. You have to follow up so someone who can get results from that would follow up via messenger later on. Maybe in a week or two or whatever they’d follow up hey.
Did you have a chance to look at the information yada Y and they follow up manually?
That’s one way to do it and, yes, you potentially could make a sell if you follow up. But what, if you don’t what, if you forget to message them back? What, if you forget to do all that manual followup later well, this is the way that I do it. Instead of once they say, they’re open to taking a look instead of giving them the link. I ask hey: what’s your best email, I can send this information to then I get a 100 % of people, especially if they’re interested in what I’m talking about. I get a 100 % of people give me their email address 100 % when I send them to my link.
Hardly anyone joins like 0 % join and then, if I give them to an opt-in page like 50 to 60 %, opt-in or I say, hey, what’s the best email to send this information to and now 100 % of people usually send me their email and when I get their email guess what I do I go and I put them in my autoresponder and I have my autoresponder: send them an email.
Now I have an email list and so to answer this question: should you have one from the onset? Yes, because your very first conversation should be on your email list, one person, anyone you ever talk to any marketing you ever do should be to get them on your email list, and I did this last night on our webinar when I was talking about this. But I really want to highlight this word because you need them on your list. Okay, that’s the most most important thing when building a homebased business.
So, yes, it’s absolutely mandatory to have an autoresponder when you’re building your business and the one that I recommend is get response. If you want to find out more about the one that I use, if you guys go to seek prosperity.com, I have a whole bunch of cool resources on here and if you scroll down to marketing tools, I use you will see my favorite marketing tool and I Show you the top seven reasons why I use get response. And then, if you want to find out about the business that I’m building, you can go over right here to under residual income.
And we also do a lot of coaching and helping you over the shoulder. In fact, I am literally on a zoom right now: okay and uh. If everyone wants to wave hello to everybody like see, see I’m on a zoom right now and I’m doing my marketing over the shoulder in front of them and answering questions for them and that’s what we do in our community to help you with your marketing. Okay, so if you want to plug into any of our resources, you can go over to seek prosperity.com download any of these resources for free look at our residual income business.
And if you want to know the best autoresponder that I recommend it’s right there under marketing tools that I use so with that, I hope I answered this question. I hope you got a little bit of value and more insight on what you should be focusing on. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and have a wonderful day and I’ll see you guys in the next video take care and bye for now.
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